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November 12, 2021

Are Mommy & Me Classes Worth It?

There is a seemingly unlimited variety of classes for guardians and their newborn children, from infant music classes to infant yoga, acrobatics, swimming, dance, and art. A portion of these classes can even be held for kids who are not yet even a year old, but these will require a larger investment of both time and money on the parent’s part.

Many mothers admit to feeling compelled to sign their children up for these classes since they fear that they will be the odd one out, who doesn’t enroll their child for these classes. With that being said, let’s examine whether or not Mommy & Me classes are really worth it.

At first glance, with so many different Mommy & Me classes available, it would seem that these classes are worth it due to the simple nature of supply and demand. Most parents exclaim that these classes serve as a valuable bonding experience between them and their children. It is likewise an extraordinary method of kickstarting your toddler’s socialization with others of the same age.

Much of the dynamics of these classes in fact center around the parents, not the kids. Being a parent of a toddler can be overwhelming sometimes, so Mommy & Me classes are a great outlet for guardians to mingle and make new friends.

Depending on the age of your child, this alleviating feeling of community that you will experience is likely to be even more valuable than the skills your child will learn through the classes. Perhaps you’ll find yourself with a little genius on your hands from the Mommy & Me classes, yet most likely your child will simply appreciate having fun with new friends.

On the other side, some parents feel that bringing their toddler to a whole host activities that they may be too young to truly understand isn’t worth it, despite any potential benefits. If this is your case, perhaps your time is better spent alone with your kid, letting their advancement happen normally until they are mature enough to truly take in something from the classes they join in.

If you’re interested in learning more about the potential of Mommy & Me classes or are interested in Mommy & Me classes at ISSP – prestigious international school of Ho Chi Minh City, please contact our admissions team for further assistance.